Modern workplaces are creating new initiatives to help employees maintain a work-life balance.
Boasting an array of world-class spas, wellness centres, and health facilities, the UAE – particularly Dubai – has become a unique travel destination for today’s health-conscious traveller.
Traditional practices that place greater emphasis on preventive healthcare, such as ayurveda, homeopathy, and yoga, have significantly contributed to the robust growth of this sector, catering to loyal clients who visit every year on average.
The Medical Tourism Index 2016 ranked Dubai number one in the Arab world and 16th globally, further boosting the emirate’s aspirations to attract half a million tourists a year by 2020.
The industry has recorded a 10 per cent growth this year, making it a larger-than-$500-billion market and a rapidly advancing niche within the global tourism economy. This growth is marked by a profound shift in the way wellness services are being perceived and consumed. Previously seen as luxury or add-on services, they are now being woven into every aspect of daily lives, making them part of work, travel, leisure, and healthcare.
Dr Raza Siddiqui, CEO of Arabian Healthcare Group and executive director of RAK Hospital, said: “Wellness and medical tourism in the UAE is the new ‘non-oil economy’ for the region.”
“According to a news report, the country leads the Middle Eastern wellness tourism market and accounts for 14 per cent of the Mena spa market. As per the figures, the tourism industry in the UAE is worth around $36 billion, out of which 12 to 13 per cent is contributed by wellness tourism. The trend that we see now is that wellness tourists are not just coming here for spa, but also for holistic health and rejuvenation or ayurvedic treatments,” he said.
Published: | October 21, 2018
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