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Eating all kind if dates is beneficial to the body as they contains high percent of water, minerals, and fiber.

Eating all kind if dates is beneficial to the body [...]

Ms. Ruba Elhourani, Senior Dietician @ RAK FM and special talk about the healthy nutrition during Ramadan

أ. ربا الحوراني ، اخصائي التغذية بمستشفي رأس الخيمة فى [...]

2019-05-27T06:38:58+04:00May 27th, 2019|Doctors Media Interviews|

People who have kidney, heart or blood pressure problems should limit exercise before Iftar, whilst fasting

People who have kidney, heart or blood pressure problems should [...]

Distribute your water intake between Iftar and Suhoor rather than drinking all the recommended amount at once

Distribute your water intake between Iftar and Suhoor rather than [...]

It is important for a person with diabetes to check their blood sugar several times during the day

It is important for a person with diabetes to check [...]

Adding raw garlic and ginger to Iftar meals could be beneficial in maintaining normal blood pressure while fasting

Garlic and ginger are known for their health benefits of [...]


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